Set yourself apart with NAC Roadside Assistance value-add
Commercial Auto Lines and Personal Auto Lines programs.
Stay ahead of the game and maintain a competitive edge
with customized plans at competitive prices.
Get your Personal policyholders the ease of Sign & Drive programs with NAC’s Roadside Assistance. Get the data that you need to manage your program.
When was the last time you reviewed your roadside assistance program?
Program Parameters
Are your program's limits competitive and fit your current demographic service needs?
Are you aware and implementing dollar or mileage limits?
Does your program have usage limits on services per policy period?
Are you including reimbursements in your usage tracking?
Are you including an emergency supply of fuel?
Pricing & Program Data
Do you have insights into your
roadside assistance program,
at the policyholder level?
What is your pricing structure, fixed-fee per-vehicle or pay-per service?
Do you have insights and access to your detailed program data(number, type and cost of servicesat policyholder level and vehicle level)?
Is your roadside program's contribution inline with your strategies (ROI targets or as a value-add)?
Latest Technology
To maintain the highest levels of service, is your service provider applying the latest technologies?
Are you able to geo-locate your policyholder's breakdown location at the time of service?
Can your policyholder request service using a smartphone app?
Are your policyholders getting comprehensive and timely
communications and updates during a service?
Does your itemized billing interfacewith your claims software?

National Automobile Club has been providing peace of mind to families across the U.S. since 1924.
> Flexible pricing models
> Set custom limits
> Coordinated Sign & Drive/Reimbursements
> 24/7 Nationwide service
> Robust Service Provider network
> Itemized billing
Click here to send an email or
fill out an inquiry form today!

What is the difference between a National Automobile Club membership and Fleet Rescue?
Memberships cover the person, not the vehicle.
Memberships do not cover all vehicle classes.
Memberships are only sold in California.
Fleet Rescue covers the vehicle.
Fleet Rescue covers all vehicle classes.
Fleet Rescue is available to both California and non-California businesses.
How does a Motor Club membership benefit our policyholders?
Simple to use, one toll-free number for Roadside Assistance 24/7 x 365, anywhere in the U.S.A.
Trained call center operators to administer coverage and limits.
Trained Road service professionals to assist the policyholder in their time of need.
Travel and other discounted services.
How does a Fleet Rescue relationship benefit our policyholders?
Simple to use, one toll-free number for Roadside Assistance 24/7 x 365, anywhere in the U.S.A.
Trained call center operators to administer coverage and limits.
Trained Road service professionals to assist the policyholder in their time of need.
Pay for all road service costs with one monthly check.
Reporting to assist with Fleet Management.
Use of NAC’s technology such as Smart Phone app for increased convenience.
What are the road services?
Towing - in accordance with provisions of your auto policy
Jump Start
Tire Change (flat to inflated spare)
Fuel Delivery– Emergency supply
Minor Mechanical Adjustments
How does a Roadside Assistance program benefit the broker?
Renewal retention.
Maintain or gain a competitive edge in the industry.
Are there any limitations on the service?
Memberships are subject to restrictions.